Testimonials from DV nonprofits using StatuteMatcher.org in their operations to help surviors

  • Catholic Charities - Arizona

    DV advocates use StatuteMatcher.org to help survivors bolster their orders of protection and increase positive case outcome.

  • Be a Butterfly

    DV advocates use StatuteMatcher.org to help survivors identify when they’re in an abusive relationship and leave with confidence. Also, they use SM to help survivors navigate the legal system on their own and become their best zealous advocates.

  • Unbroken Horizons

    DV advocates encourage users of their chat forums to use StatuteMatcher.org to consult on steps on how to get an order of protection against their abusers.

Testimonials from DV survivors that used SatuteMatcher.org to empower themselves

  • Unbreakable Survivors

    Tanya Foster, founder of a for-profit business that assists DV victims and the community with public speaking events. She successfully used SM to secure a protective order for a DV survivor, against an abuser with several firearms in the house.

  • Jessica Mendoza

    Jessica Mendoza, the President of BeAButterfly.org, a Domestic Violence nonprofit organization, began using Statute Matcher and has already helped victims with restraining orders and obtain full custody of their kids.

    “Lawyers are expensive!”

    “Statute Matcher is a tool of empowerment.”

  • Javier Benavides

    Served in the US military and was a domestic violence victim who benefited from using Statute Matcher. His story started 11 years ago when he and his wife divorced, and she used their children to be emotionally abusive towards him.

    After speaking with a 3rd party about his problems, he was introduced to SM online through TikTok, and he used the AI software to gather facts about his case.

    After several incidents, Javier successfully used SM to file for a restraining order. Even though the judge filed a restraining order against him and his ex-wife, he was happy with the outcome and believes his children will benefit from the decision in the long run.